Raptures Asylum Mailorder

# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - XY - Z

1349Liberation (Nor- killer black metal with Frost on drums)Candlelight2003€ 18,99 / $ 20
13491349 (Nor- 1st ed. black metal opus)Holycaust1999€ 16 / $17
3FINGERSGUITARRough Brass (Ita - rock noir band)Marsiglia Recorrds2012€ 7 / $ 8
3rdHighest Human FormRaptures Asylum1999€ 7 / $ 8
3rdNonexistenceWiplash1999€ 8 / $ 10
3rdPromo 2003Self2003€ 8 / $ 8
6 Way to put your Shit OutCannibe+Prot+Grumo+Orifice+RectalCumshot+DBVSelf Cannibalism Rec.2007€14,50 / $ 20
6th CoUnted MuRderS/T (ITA - massive modern death heavy thrash, debut, ltd.)Self Rel. 2014€10,50 / $ 12
69 EyesWasting The DawnRoadrunner1999€14,50 / $20
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